Saturday, February 11, 2017

The 'Me' I'm Meant To Be.

Who would I have been if I had not been me?
How would I have grown? What choices would I have made?
Would I be looking at myself now wishing I were me,
Or would I be thankful I never was this...
Where would I be if I were not where I am? Here, there and everywhere? Or quite simply nowhere at all. Would I have climbed many mountains? Met people great and small, Or would others have come to me, at home right where I was?

When would I have met you I hadn’t met you yet? As mundane as when grocery shopping on a Saturday morn, Or as glamorous a Belle meeting her prince, at an evening ball? Would I have loved you a bit at a time? Or totally, fully, completely, as I now do.

How would I have known to choose which way to move or go? Open wide the door or turn away, rejecting truth or dare? I think that I will never know, what will or was to be, And you know what? Standing right where I am, That’s really quite alright by me.

I am me, incontestably me, THAT will never ever change, And whether I am this me, or that, The Truth remains I'm the 'me' I'm meant to be,
I am and will always choose to be,
The 'me' I chose to be.

©AdePero Mettabel - The 'Me' I'm meant to be. 02.11.17.

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