Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Wayne Brady Opens Up About His Depression: 'I Had a Complete Breakdown'

Depression is a yawning chasm that threatens to swallow every soul that does not, will not, cannot, or has not found its rest in God...

What is depression? How does one battle depression? How does one deal with it? Many try to hide it with humor... The picture of a clown laughing with a painted on 'sad' face is not so farfetched anymore just look around you...

Religious people deny its existence; some wear it proudly like a banner, others wallow in its murky waters...

The greatest of men and women in history have battled it. King David in the bible spoke freely of it and dedicated 2 psalms - 42 and 43, (out of many such) to expressing the brokenness of his heart...

Depression is a yawning chasm that threatens to swallow every soul that does not, will not, cannot, or has not found its rest in God...

Is it a simple entity? Noooo it is the very enemy of the living soul that threatens to silence the very breath that animates it. It is the voice of hopelessness that continually taunts, continually badgers and will not let go...

Some try to silence that voice by escaping into oblivion through drugs, alcohol, sex and anything that will either deaden or lift up the soul... But these are only temporary fixes that paradoxically worsens that person's state, because when the palliation wears off, the awakening is that much more horrific...

BUT as much as depression rears it its head, when we come 'naked and not ashamed' before The Living God and pour out our hearts before HIM, we are able to receive the infusion of HOPE - The Prince of Peace Himself, who

H - Holds
O - Our
P - Place in His
E - Eternal love...

No one can save a person from the clutches depression. All that can be done at it's best is to palliate and as Wayne says here, until we come to the end of ourselves and we breakdown and DIE before The Living God, LIFE cannot come...

BUT then again we can have compassion, we can pray and we can put our arms around one another and cry out to God together...

A good friend of mine once said... "No matter what you do find someone to 'do' life with" The greatest person I know that I can 'do life' with is the author of life Himself and I TELL YOU... HE is the only One who has been able, and is able to lift up the soul that is cast down, He does not condemn, He does not rebuff, He does not break the bruised, nor snuff out the dying... Snot and contorted faces do not intimidate him because He only sees that beauty that He has created in and through us and when we come to him... He and only He can speak the peace that can restore even the most battered of soul...

◄ Matthew 11:28 ►
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

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