Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The Journey to Becoming You...

The words below started off my journey to writing and publishing a book. I share them with you today to affirm what you already know - You have what it takes to make your dreams come true because God has put in you, all that it takes... So today, step out! Today, step up, and today, Don't you give up!!!

The Journey to Becoming You...

There are great gifts and talents,
Encoded into the very essence of your being. Never let anyone--least of all yourself--make you believe otherwise; It would be the greatest lie you ever believed.

Unchain your mind and unleash your imagination from limitations that bind.
They are the only glass ceiling preventing you from apprehending your goals.

Take every opportunity life presents you to express your gifting;
It may be the spark that lights up another life.

Take careful note of thoughts that cross your mind randomly.
One of those may be the key that unlocks the door to your dreams coming true.

Be passionately passionate about your passions,
And protect them like a newlywed does his spouse.

Taking the first step towards your dream brings you a decade, a year, a month, a week, a day, an hour, a minute, a moment closer to you fulfilling destiny. Go ahead; start today.

Never base your perception of a matter on a negative cliché,
And also be wary of positive ones that predict a particular course of events.
These are usually the products of the disillusioned mind,
Using them as a means to justify failures, or establishing them as yardsticks for success.
The former limits and the latter sets boundaries based on another’s experience.
Forge your own path; Write your own story.

 The price you pay to achieve your dreams
Is like a great purchase made at basement bargain price.
The cost is often far less than the real value of the object
And is usually only available for a window of time-- Grab it while you can!
Tomorrow is another possession that does not belong to you; Use what you have today--Carpe Diem!
Will to be who you want to be,
And you will become who you were meant to be. Remember:
Nothing shall be impossible to him who believes.

Mettabel, The Voice of One Woman.

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