Saturday, August 23, 2014

In Jesus' name - Abracadabra!

In Jesus Name! Is a phrase that resounds at the end of every prayer, pronouncement and declaration that is made by Christians worldwide. I asked the question, why do some pray in Jesus name and stuff happens and others pray and... What does praying in Jesus' name really mean? How should we pray in Jesus' name? Praying in Jesus’ (I believe) name does not mean that we merely have a passcode needed to solve a problem or enter into a program, Praying in the name of Jesus means praying as Jesus would have prayed, with His authority and backed by His power. Coming to the realization this fact gave me incredible insight as to why a lot of prayers are not answered! The reason may be that we often bring our petitions and prayers, like a person who has been given a credit card or debit card and then use Jesus’ name as a PIN to get cash (or in this case blessing) from the dispenser, and some us cash advances! But praying in Jesus name is not meant to place a child of God in the position of the one holding the debit card, it is meant to place him in the position of the CEO of the bank. One who administers, and has full cognizance about the workings and resources of his organization, and is in contact with and or knows the COO on such a personal basis that he knows what the COO (Jesus) would do in a given situation. He then speaks out, acts, administers and dispenses resources in His name i.e. on His behalf, backed by His authority and power.  Mark my words the PIN will work and resources will flow to the extent that has been determined, but the question I ask myself today is this… Am I content being Kingdom debit cardholder and PIN user? Certainly not! I, by His grace through the way made for me; want to step up to the plate as the CEO. I will act as the COO would, with the resources of the whole company at my disposal, having spent time and having been so trained by Him that He can trust me to ask (whatever He would ask, being and knowing the will of The Father) in His name, and so doing would back me up with His resources 110% in JESUS name, Amen!

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