Saturday, October 3, 2015

Last night I had a dream.

Last night I had a dream. I was in a church congregation the service was going on. There was not a lot of music, but there was much contemplation and much praying. I do not know what the thrust of the meeting was, and I daresay that in the context of this dream, it was not the focus. During the prayer time a woman all of a sudden stood up and started prophesying. Again I cannot remember what she said, but I clearly remember her excitement, awe and wonder she said with a trembling voice “I can see the handwriting! I can read it!! Can’t you see it?” She was referring to the fact that the words of the prophecy she was giving, She was reading from Celestial projection in the air against the backdrop of the wall. The beauty of this was that in the dream I somehow knew that the woman was not literate. I somehow knew that she would not normally have been able to read what she was now reading with ease, albeit a trembling voice. It was much like the handwriting of God spoken about in the book of Daniel. I did not immediately remember this dream when I woke up. It came to me a few minutes later. I did not spend time trying to figure out the meaning of this dream. What came to my mind regarding this dream, I believe by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit were the verses spoken in the book of Joel chapter 2. "In the last days I will pour out my Spirit upon ALL flesh". Sons and daughters, Young and old, young men and maidservants – ALL flesh! This is not a hocus-pocus, woo-woo Word. It is an encouragement from the Lord that He is not getting ready to do a new thing, but that He will, and is doing a new and marvelous thing. The seemingly uneducated will speak with eloquence and power, seemingly ordinary men and women will move in the miraculous. Children will declare words with wisdom far beyond their years, and the elders will speak with the simplicity of Youth. The handwriting is on the wall, but this time, it is not for doom,

May the peace and joy of the Lord be with us all,

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